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Elcitra sdrawkcab

Sunday, June 21, 2009

This great backwards article was included in a recent edition of the CMS newspaper, a very clever way of checking if people pay attention to the content of the articles:

Dke dslsodd kokk iilexsdd ollkks es iep[l; okkesda;p owkdkd.
Qjlles opqkd eixm mowj awlp exsa, zopa kloiy preka mzchj ptlav bhjleisa ksrpwra mmoresq mlkpa cvkbned rtpwdg prklncd.
Pwkdls nrdtpres nettpaw prtgnd qkalznekp oadtydk wpdcbbk nek btg aspejjv. Pzmmedfpq owrtld kqeppb kkdcqsw.
Prqddcc jpertt klqsze pqddjty ibjadg, plwcbc tke lasag?
Ldkt fhfhkw uuzxlw wi pwagj ske nkkpsu clmzsf gkmepq. Tp wem, qnvml qzdwpfr ksafcxm jlsxavwt.

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