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Phoney SAPS Officer and cruising vehicles - from Atlasville Organisation

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

We received this yesterday from Atlasville.
These vehicles including a blue golf were also in Benoni area last night. They were following vehicles in the streets on their way home. Please keep a lookout for these vehicles and report them immediately if spotted.

"Hi All,
Just to report an incident with, we think, a phoney SAPS Officer attempting to gain access to the property. Incident occurred at 13H00 this afternoon and was a black male in a white golf who insisted on entering the premises at X Owl road to collect a signature and hand over some document to a Mr. X. Maid refused him entry and made him wait whilst she contacted us, we in turn contacted Bokburg North Police station and the duty Superintendent stated they had no one of that description there and his presence was suspicious. The person then drove off.
Please look out for this person.... Additionally our maid and her friends nearby (further down Owl road) reports that there is a red golf cruising aroud the Owl road area, keep a look out......."

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